Short Addicted Entry

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

The weather has been wonderful today. Beautiful. When I drove in this morning, the mountains, which surround Seattle and the surrounding areas on seemingly all sides, were clear. Except for Mount Rainer, the Cascades and the Olympian were striking in their starkness. It has since clouded over.

Today started off a great day. My energy levels were high this morning, and I accomplished much. Lunch brought me down, which is one of the reasons I hate eating. My mood swings surrounding feeding times is extreme at times. I can’t explain it. I tried to correlate it to certain foods, but all food seems to effect me in the same way. I’m now tired and don’t want to think about anything. With that said, I’ll attempt to edit the second story after pen I wrote on that prolific day.

The internet is not working, and I could not pull down the story for editing. Instead of wasting this precious time doing nothing, I decided to continue typing, thinking that maybe if the gods are good, I can write something of value.

Instead of writing something of value, or anything for that matter, I came home, didn’t eat, and played video games after video games after video games. I’ve since uninstalled the guilty viral program that forces me to do its will even after I told it, no, I will not succumb to your addicting ways. Why am I so weak? I could have finished editing my story, but I didn’t. Instead, I spent the last three hours staring at a screen and trying to shoot people. It stopped being fun toward the end, but I couldn’t drag myself away. I wanted one more kill, just one more, and that would satisfy me. But, of course, it never did. I’m a weak human being.

I’m finally making dinner so I won’t starve. I apologize for the short entry, but that’s all I have for tonight. I have to eat and do things that don’t involve me sitting by myself in a little room wasting my life away. Thankfully, there will be no video games in Taiwan. Maybe I’ll get some writing done there, or, I hope, on the fifteen-hour flight. Igh. Just thinking about it gives me the chills.

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